"Posting" is not marketing

In today’s digital age, it’s easy to get caught up in the idea that posting content online is all it takes to be seen and succeed in marketing. However, the truth is far from that and just “publishing” online is only a small piece of the marketing puzzle.

True marketing involves a comprehensive strategy that takes into account your target audience, the channels  to use, and the messages you want to convey. It’s not just about creating content, but also about ensuring that it reaches the right people, at the right time, in the right way.

"Posting on social media is like shouting into a crowded room.
Marketing is like convincing everyone in that room to buy a ticket to hear you shout again."

Consistent posting is just one tactic within a larger marketing strategy and it’s important to have a clear understanding of your target audience and what motivates them to engage with you.

This involves conducting research, analyzing data, understanding trends, and then create a cohesive brand message across multiple channels and touch points.

Marketing can be likened to a puzzle, with each piece representing a different aspect of the overall strategy. Just like with a puzzle, it’s essential to have all the pieces in place to create a complete picture.

The first piece is defining your target audience.

Without a clear understanding of who you’re trying to reach, it’s impossible to create a marketing strategy that resonates with them. This involves understanding the demographics, psychographics, and behaviour.

Next is crafting your message.

It should be tailored to resonate and communicate the unique value proposition of your brand. Knowing your brand voice, message hierarchy, and tone.

The third piece of the puzzle is selecting the right channels to reach your target audience.

This involves understanding the difference amongst the channels available, such as social media, email marketing, paid advertising, and search engine optimization, and selecting the ones that are most likely to reach your target audience effectively.

The fourth piece of the puzzle is creating the visual content that resonates with your audience and communicates your message effectively. This includes developing a content strategy that takes into account the needs and preferences of your target audience and creating content that aligns with your messaging and brand voice and its format.  As of 2023, video is king.

The final piece of the marketing puzzle is analyzing and optimizing your results. This involves tracking key metrics, such as website traffic, conversion rates, and engagement, and making data-driven decisions to improve your marketing performance over time.

Just like with a real puzzle, each piece of the marketing puzzle is essential for success. If even one piece is missing or out of place, the overall picture will be incomplete. By understanding the importance of each piece and taking a comprehensive approach to your marketing strategy, you can create a complete picture that drives success for your brand.

It's just as important to know what not to do.

Posting without a plan: it can lead to inconsistent messaging, lack luster content, and poor engagement. It’s crucial to have a well-thought-out plan for your social media marketing strategy.

Neglect your audience: can lead to disengagement, negative feedback, and a lack of trust in your brand. Make sure you’re creating content that resonates with your audience and speaks to their needs and interests. Your social media content should be tailored and it is not about you and your needs!… it’s about what value you can bring to those who choose to listen. This build stronger connections vs temporary flashes in the vastness of the online world.

Ignore feedback: Social media is a two-way conversation. It is called “SOCIAL” for a reason. So be social.  Ignoring feedback from your audience can be detrimental to your brand. Take the time to respond to comments, feedback, and messages. This will show your audience that you value their input and are committed to building a relationship with them.

Being too sales-focused: Your audience wants to engage with authentic, valuable content that speaks to their interests and needs. Focus on creating content that adds value to your audience’s lives and build trust in your brand. Social media is not the place for constant sales pitches.

Neglect to track results: Make sure you’re tracking key metrics, such as engagement, click-through rates, and conversions, and adjusting your strategy accordingly. Without tracking your results, it’s impossible to know whether your social media marketing efforts are successful.

Copying your competitors: Your brand is unique, and your social media content should reflect that. Focus on creating original, authentic content that speaks to your audience’s needs and interests. While it’s essential to stay on top of industry trends and best practices, copying your competitors’ social media content is a recipe for failure. Why would anyone follow you instead of the original?  Now, you can be influenced and inspired by others, but verbatim copying will not get anyone far up the ladder.

Build it and they will come, is no longer true, specially online.

Stay true to your brand and its message, keep posting online but clearly define your purpose to your audience, and just because your message may not resonate today, it doesn’t mean it won’t resonate tomorrow.  With 8 billion people and growing, surely you can find at least 1,000,000 (that’s 0.0125% of the world) who may be into the same things you are, and are desperately searching for you to connect with them.

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